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Restoring Natural Capital Workshop

Would you like to:
- find out more about restoring natural capital, the RNC Alliance and how you can make a difference?
- start a local RNC project?
- improve the function of your local landscape in urban, agricultural and natural areas?
- improve the health of your soils, water and air?
- learn about natural capital, why it's important, how we lose our natural capital and what can be done to reverse this trend?
- enhance your local community and local amenity?
- provide opportunities for youth groups to be involved in positive programs?

Consider organising a free community Restoring Natural Capital Workshop in your area.
These workshops are being run throughout Australia. In May 2008 we also helped run workshops and lectured in Ecuador. We have distributed copies for use in Ecuador, Asia, Africa, Europe and the USA. The workshop is currently available in English and Spanish. If you are interested in having these workshops run in your community (here in Australia or overseas) please contact us. For more information send an email to [email protected].

These workshops equally apply to:
- city and country,
- urban, agricultural and natural areas, and
- developed and developing countries.

The initial workshop is a free half or full day workshop designed to build or build upon local community groups and to develop community projects. It is recommended to Councils, CMAs, Landcare groups, youth groups and any community organisation to run for their local communities.

We will look at:
• the concept of Natural Capital, its conservation, management and restoration
• how it applies to you, your landscape and your community, and
• we will work together to find a common vision and plan a local introductory RNC community project.

Our land can never be taken back to a time before man however we can improve its function for the benefit of man, production and nature. Learn about Restoring Natural Capital (RNC) in urban, agricultural and natural environments and how to help reverse the trend of degradation of our natural goods and services.

Who should attend:
• anyone interested in their local community.

Skills required:
• no skills required, attendees just need an interest in what can be achieved locally.

Also following the first RNC Workshop we can assist with half day project planning sessions.

Our workshop facilitators do not charge for working with community groups. We ask that hosting organisations provide a venue, refreshments, laminated aerial photos, promote the workshop and co-ordinate the event. Some contribution towards travel expenses would be appreciated however is not essential.

To find out more contact Bev at [email protected]

Visit the RNC Alliance website at www.rncalliance.org to find out about the science of RNC and how RNC is being implemented around the world.

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